Contact Rob Stamper, Director of Young Adult Outreach for more information! Vertical Divider
Ready to register?
Be sure to read each section of the form carefully before submitting! Click below to register! Vertical Divider
If your parish/organization is interested in parterning with us to sponsor young adults in this program, please fill out our interest form below.
For decades the degradation and pulverization of the human person have left generations lost and in desperate need of direction and clarity. Men and women not only lack understanding of who they are, but also whose they are. Through our New Horizon Leadership Formation program, Echo Community desires to partner with dioceses and parishes to form young adults as the mature Christian disciples and leaders that they desire to be and help remind them of who they are while inviting them into a life fully alive and truly free.
Contact Rob Stamper, Director of Young Adult Outreach for more information! Vertical Divider
Ready to register? Be sure to read each section of the
form carefully before submitting! Click below to register! |
If we do not first have a firm foundation and understanding of who we are then we will be building on sand. Anchored in the teachings of Pope St. John Paul II’s Theology of the Body, young adults who journey through the leadership program will dive into the following, coming to know the depths of their own identity, the truths of who God created them to be, and develop skills to grow ever deeper in these realities. |
We are made for relationship. As young adults journey deeper in becoming mature Christian disciples they will come to recognize this truth. More than anything, we are made for relationship with God. Through intentional practice and growing in prayer, participants will come to know and deepen their relationship with God. |
“Man, who is the only creature on earth which God willed for itself, cannot fully find himself except through a sincere gift of himself” (GS 24). What value is it to know ourselves and know who God calls us to be, but not pursue growth towards that call? Through the formation program, young adults will discover concrete and applicable ways to grow in virtue, especially chastity, and an understanding of how to be a self-gift to others. |
“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, to the close of the age” (Mt. 28:19-20). Fully alive and truly free, young adults will learn how to live a missionary spirituality in order to return to their parish and community to make disciples of others. This is the ultimate mission of the young adult formation program. |
New Horizon is an integrated, 2-year formation program.
Year one includes weekly formation sessions centered on our four key pillars of formation (outlined above.)
Young adults who commit to the program will be responsible for attending 40 sessions over the year where they will receive time for prayer, formation, and community. This is not an “at your own pace” formation experience, young adults will be invited into community and journey together in person.
In the pristine wilderness near Cody, Wyoming rests Hawkeye Ranch. At the end of year one formation, participants will be offered an opportunity to journey with us to this beautiful place for a capstone experience where they will be afforded the chance to enter on retreat, be stretched by new adventures, and grow profoundly in community through the experiences fostered at Hawkeye Ranch. Following this experience they will journey back to their parish and set out on their evangelizing mission as well-formed, joyful, and mature Christian disciples.
Year two of the program is no longer centered around formation but evangelization. Young Adults who have completed the first year of the formation program will enter into their second year as Mature Christian Disciples and be sent back into their parishes and communities to evangelize the men and women in their community.
This formation program will greatly help young adults grow in specific areas to become mature Christian disciples. The men and women interested in the program do not need specific skills or qualities to enter into the program – a young adult simply needs to be willing to dedicate the time and have docility to the Holy Spirit.
Year one includes weekly formation sessions centered on our four key pillars of formation (outlined above.)
Young adults who commit to the program will be responsible for attending 40 sessions over the year where they will receive time for prayer, formation, and community. This is not an “at your own pace” formation experience, young adults will be invited into community and journey together in person.
In the pristine wilderness near Cody, Wyoming rests Hawkeye Ranch. At the end of year one formation, participants will be offered an opportunity to journey with us to this beautiful place for a capstone experience where they will be afforded the chance to enter on retreat, be stretched by new adventures, and grow profoundly in community through the experiences fostered at Hawkeye Ranch. Following this experience they will journey back to their parish and set out on their evangelizing mission as well-formed, joyful, and mature Christian disciples.
Year two of the program is no longer centered around formation but evangelization. Young Adults who have completed the first year of the formation program will enter into their second year as Mature Christian Disciples and be sent back into their parishes and communities to evangelize the men and women in their community.
This formation program will greatly help young adults grow in specific areas to become mature Christian disciples. The men and women interested in the program do not need specific skills or qualities to enter into the program – a young adult simply needs to be willing to dedicate the time and have docility to the Holy Spirit.
Contact Rob Stamper, Director of Young Adult Outreach for more information! Vertical Divider
Ready to register?
Be sure to read each section of the form carefully before submitting! Click below to register! Vertical Divider
If your parish/organization is interested in parterning with us to sponsor young adults in this program, please fill out our interest form below.